Dienstag, 24. Mai 2016

Tailorstage will be the future of mobile gaming

Sound pretentious?

That might be true—but if you want some definite facts, here are a few. It is practically indisputable that developers have been booming in nearly all areas but one: making money. With the new ease with which games can be made, the world has seen a flurry of game products, so much so, that it is often impossible so that in order to become popular games have to charge very little or no money to play.

With many alternatives, it can seem next to impossible for all but the most popular games to find any way to make money. But did that have to happen? Can it change?
We aim not only to prove that it can, we aim change the industry in such a way that the customers will actually be happier paying to play their games than searching out free alternatives, and where a larger amount of profit can go to game developers.

Enter our gaming platform, where gamers pay a monthly subscription fee to receive an all-access pass. Kids get to play the best popular games, and also will have the opportunity to help the bestup-and-coming and indie games gain exposure and turn a profit more easily. This is a product to believe in.

Early just this spring we closed a deal with a game industry expert with who is creating the first global brand for such a game service under the name Ninplay. Ninplay aspires to be the next Netflix or Spotify, for mobile gaming. This Tailorstage-based platform will be available first in England, before branching out to countries around the world, from Russia to India, and beyond. Check out their website at Ninplay.com

We believe that our product has a flexible future building off of this success, and that the technology can be improved upon and more tightly focused in order to reach particular consumer groups. Our next stepping-stone is to add features to this platform to create a 2nd product; a game service that is directed at families - KANGULE.com, which will provide a new games environment for families, especially for families with little children, so that smartphones/tablets can function as a safe playground for little ones, and a fun one for all. These days, it is almost impossible to prevent kids from playing games on mobile devices. Helping them have an uplifting and positive introduction into the world of gaming, and helping parents to feel comfortable with the content is a simple, yet (we believe) an underrepresented market in gaming, and is the next stepping-off point for Tailorstage products.

Interested? Want more information? Contact us at info@tailorstage.com !

Freitag, 13. Mai 2016

The revenue share model of Tailorstage

Back when we wrote the blog post about Spotify, we discussed the question of what happens in terms of money for songs listened to in a month from a particular band. What happens, and specifically, how much money does the band get for it? This is assuming that the band receives 0.0065 USD per song streamed.

The purpose of this was not to bash Spotify, who have proven their model to be very successful, and have had an outstandingly professional approach to applying it. This is especially true, seeing how our business model’s base approach isn’t so different. And there are indeed similarities—even still, it is not particularly on these similarities that I want to concentrate as much as on some of the differences. For this post I want to talk about the revenue sharing model we are using in a way that would be enlightening for game developers.

Since the realm of gaming also possessing some particular peculiarities in terms of business opportunities compared to the commercial music industry, we believe that we can be extremely successful with a lightly tweaked approach. We have spoken at other times about how we  want our game service to be available in many countries, and especially we want to implement the many different types of payment methods that would allow as many end-users as possible to have access to our services. This could be seen as problematic when it comes to regional payment options, as transaction costs can be very high in some countries. It becomes even more of a headache, because these payment options are sometimes the only way to reach customers in these countries. This, by the way, is one of the reasons that Paypal was first conceived.
To come to the point, we have certain considerations in our revenue sharing model bear a short explanation. To remain flexible enough to be internationally effective, we have translated the difficulty with high transaction costs to a method of calculating revenue shares after transaction and distribution costs. This is the stepping-off point for our cost calculations, that lets us pay as much as we can while keeping the same model from country to country. We want to develop a fair way to implement revenue sharing, that allows a user to pay a monthly fee, and then, based off of this income, and costs, than the revenue share will be calculated out for the individual Game Developers. Thus, a user can play a play games, and we can use this information to then calculate which Developers get paid what amount. That means that our system is dynamically individual!! Every single monthly fee will be paid out through a shared revenue system—completely!! No matter if a Game was played for one minute, or ten games 20 hours each.

We think that is fair!

Freitag, 29. April 2016

Android games on your PC and Laptop

NinPlay, like most mobile apps, from Viber to Candy Crush, though available for phone and tablet, can’t yet be downloaded for gaming on Laptop and PC computers. Why, you ask? Like social media, soft drinks, and Mr. Bean—PCs and Laptops don’t seem to be going anywhere in a hurry. It really makes you wonder if there isn’t some easy way to make a crossover possible.

Did you wonder about that? If so, this post is aimed at you.

Like most Current trends, where traditional operating systems don’t seem to play nice with app stores, Ninplay’s app, like many phone apps, might seem needlessly limited.  Luckily, the growth of smartphone and tablet usage in the last few years has seen the advent of emulator services for just such apps as NinPlay. Because our technology is an account based service, NinPlay is able to run on emulators, and you can keep your save data across your devices.

For the 46% of us that still use a laptop or desktop computer as a primary means of internet access*, we recommend a flexible desktop emulator like BlueStacks ©, which will let you gain access to not only NinPlay, but all your mobile apps. And if you, like us, prefer to get away from the freemium services, check out other emulators that offer ad free services, like Andyroid, as well.

Bluestacks is largely designed around mobile gaming, and is thus quick to install and easy to use for these purposes. Just download the app from our website, and start downloading your games. Be aware, though, that Bluestacks will encourage you to buy their full version, and if you choose to use their free version you will be required to download their apps from time to time to continue to use their services.

Andyroid, while a little more is involved in terms of steps needed to install, also has a great support team on their Facebook, which effectively functions as their tech support page. It, like BlueStacks, also includes great functionality, but is free to use, and unlike BlueStacks doesn’t make you download apps to your computer.

Check out their home pages:


Montag, 25. April 2016

Berlin Games Week

another year and many awesome events. Firstly we would like to thank to all the organisors of the different events of the Berlin Games week.

I had the opportunity to participate at different events, for example our company Tailorstage was invited to the indie area of the quo vadis conference. This year there was a new location selected, and most people said it was a right decission. We have seen many nice games and met many interesting people. Either this happened during the day while listening to interesting talks or the well organised night and side events. Either we learned more through a meeting at the Scandinavian embassy (organised by medianet) and listened to representatives of the Scandinavian and Baltic states what they have achieved in the last years with their gaming sectors and how they achieved this target..

Or we have simply been out to other matchmaking dinners and parties.

On Friday I visited the Amaze event, which also moved to another location. For example there was an interesting presentation about VR/AR games - where random people from the Amaze event played these games and really enjoyed it.

And in the evening and over the weekend there was the amaze exhibition with different games inside the urban spree building. Most of the games were able to play multiplayer and fun to watch people playing.

We had interesting meetings and a good time, especially it was the first time that we presented our new cooperation partner Ninplay. We hope soon to be able to give more details about our "Netflix but for mobile games" product.

Anyway, thanks to all for a great Berlin Games Week!!

Donnerstag, 28. Januar 2016

INDIE ARENA Flatrate - now available for open beta testing

We are happy to announce that our Android version of the INDIE ARENA Flatrate is finally ready for testing. We have got different games from different indie game developers on board:

- Partyrs from Shelly Alon
- Blockadillo from Game Loop Lab
- Somyeol by Brain Connected
- Tumblox by Ratking
Sputnik Eyes by Shelly Alon
- Kitty Jumpr by PixelPub

Especially the indies and the INDIE ARENA support our idea of a flatrate services and we believe vice versa - we give game developers an alternative platform to distribute their games and gain audience and money.

More info about the INDIE ARENA you can find here: indiearena.de

If you are a game developer as well and you have got an awesome android game which you can imagine to be published inside a gaming flatrate? Feel free to visit our developer page and check if we can work together?

Donnerstag, 10. Dezember 2015

Der Zeitartikel über Spotify - jedes Tönchen ein Milliönchen

Die derzeitige Situation mit Spotify

In Deutschland, erstes Halbjahr 2015, sind mittlerweile 12,8 Prozent der Umsätze durch Streaming Dienste erlangt worden. Demgegenüber Downloads, wie bspw. über den iTunes Store, liegen bei über 18,2 Prozent. Und die gute alte CD steht für knapp über 60 Prozent der Umsätze.

Der Artikel in der Zeit No. 50 2015 geht sehr gut auf die Vor- und Nachteile der Streamingdienste ein. V.a. aber auch dass es Anbietern wie Spotify und Deezer weiter innovativ bleiben müssen, denn es gibt doch noch immer erhebliche Kritik gegen das Modell. Und wahrscheinlich sind auch andere Teilnehmer in diesen Märkten, bzw. deren alte Strukturen, die Streamingdienst nicht immer gut aussehen lassen.
Z.B. wird hier aufgezeigt dass, in manchen Fällen, die Musiklabels einen großen Teil der Einnahmen einbehalten. Aber es wird vor allem gezeigt, wie sich Musiker mit den Streamingdiensten arrangieren. Sei es als ein Modell um bekannter zu werden und dann eher über Konzerte Geld zu verdienen, oder dass neue Alben erst mit Verzögerung über die Streamingdienste zu hören sind.

Dazu habe ich zwei zusätzliche Punkte, die aus unserer Erfahrung mit der Erstellung unseres Beteiligungsmodells und unserer Vision Spotify, aber für mobile Games, entspringt:
  • Wie ist das Beteiligungsmodell von Spotify? Ich lese meist von Cent Beträgen pro gespielten Song. Was ist wenn jemand ausschließlich einen Song pro Monat hört, aber immer wieder? Dann sollte doch diese Band auch 70% der Umsätze bekommen? Bzw. und das finde ich viel wichtiger, was passiert wenn ein Nutzer nur einmal einen Song hört!? Bekommt dann das restliche Geld Spotify!?
  • Macht es Sinn dass es ein Startup gibt dass Streamingdienste und ein Kaufmodell miteinander vereint? Das haben wir oft von potentiellen Kunden und Experten gehört, warum soll man denn eine Spieleflatrate von anderen gekauften Spielen trennen? Speziell jetzt wenn viele bekannte Musiker Ihre Alben erst mit Verspätung den Streamingdiensten zur Verfügung stellen. Vielleicht kann ein Spotify Nutzer auch einen besseren Preis für ein Album erhalten?

Auch noch eine Modell Rechnung. Bei ca. 20 Milliarden USD Umsatz für Musik würden also 200 Millionen zahlende User über 24 Milliarden USD in die Kassen spülen. Das sollte doch bei 120 US-Dollar oder Euro Jahresgebühr möglich sein?

Es gibt bestimmt Risiken und Chancen bei Streamingdiensten. Aber ich, und unser Team, wir glauben an die Möglichkeiten von Streamingdiensten. Aber das liegt am Ende in der Hand großer Labels und ist nicht ausschließlich in der Verantwortung von Spotify & Co. Wir drücken Euch die Daumen! Und wir versuchen mit unserem Mobile-Games-Flatrate-Modell ein weiteres Modell auf den Markt bringen.

Der Link zum leider nicht freien Zeit-Artikel vom 10.12.2015: Zeit-Artikel - jedes Tönchen ein Milliönchen

Montag, 7. Dezember 2015

global mgf E-Book 2015 - the report about mobile gaming


In this little report you get a good overview about the mobilke games market, and we found an interesting quote from Steve Stopps about the biigest trend in mobile gaming in 2015 "..it is the beginning of Netflix style business model for games.."

We are working on that topic for a longer time now, and especially with our flatrate model for families, we finally get more and more positive feedback - especially from endusers, which have got children between 2 and 10 years.

We believe we have got a very good model especially for the game developers. With us they will expect relevant additional revenues and awareness by endusers. And we are very sure we have the best model of revenue shares in the market, because we are a small startup without a big "water-head".