Donnerstag, 10. Dezember 2015

Der Zeitartikel über Spotify - jedes Tönchen ein Milliönchen

Die derzeitige Situation mit Spotify

In Deutschland, erstes Halbjahr 2015, sind mittlerweile 12,8 Prozent der Umsätze durch Streaming Dienste erlangt worden. Demgegenüber Downloads, wie bspw. über den iTunes Store, liegen bei über 18,2 Prozent. Und die gute alte CD steht für knapp über 60 Prozent der Umsätze.

Der Artikel in der Zeit No. 50 2015 geht sehr gut auf die Vor- und Nachteile der Streamingdienste ein. V.a. aber auch dass es Anbietern wie Spotify und Deezer weiter innovativ bleiben müssen, denn es gibt doch noch immer erhebliche Kritik gegen das Modell. Und wahrscheinlich sind auch andere Teilnehmer in diesen Märkten, bzw. deren alte Strukturen, die Streamingdienst nicht immer gut aussehen lassen.
Z.B. wird hier aufgezeigt dass, in manchen Fällen, die Musiklabels einen großen Teil der Einnahmen einbehalten. Aber es wird vor allem gezeigt, wie sich Musiker mit den Streamingdiensten arrangieren. Sei es als ein Modell um bekannter zu werden und dann eher über Konzerte Geld zu verdienen, oder dass neue Alben erst mit Verzögerung über die Streamingdienste zu hören sind.

Dazu habe ich zwei zusätzliche Punkte, die aus unserer Erfahrung mit der Erstellung unseres Beteiligungsmodells und unserer Vision Spotify, aber für mobile Games, entspringt:
  • Wie ist das Beteiligungsmodell von Spotify? Ich lese meist von Cent Beträgen pro gespielten Song. Was ist wenn jemand ausschließlich einen Song pro Monat hört, aber immer wieder? Dann sollte doch diese Band auch 70% der Umsätze bekommen? Bzw. und das finde ich viel wichtiger, was passiert wenn ein Nutzer nur einmal einen Song hört!? Bekommt dann das restliche Geld Spotify!?
  • Macht es Sinn dass es ein Startup gibt dass Streamingdienste und ein Kaufmodell miteinander vereint? Das haben wir oft von potentiellen Kunden und Experten gehört, warum soll man denn eine Spieleflatrate von anderen gekauften Spielen trennen? Speziell jetzt wenn viele bekannte Musiker Ihre Alben erst mit Verspätung den Streamingdiensten zur Verfügung stellen. Vielleicht kann ein Spotify Nutzer auch einen besseren Preis für ein Album erhalten?

Auch noch eine Modell Rechnung. Bei ca. 20 Milliarden USD Umsatz für Musik würden also 200 Millionen zahlende User über 24 Milliarden USD in die Kassen spülen. Das sollte doch bei 120 US-Dollar oder Euro Jahresgebühr möglich sein?

Es gibt bestimmt Risiken und Chancen bei Streamingdiensten. Aber ich, und unser Team, wir glauben an die Möglichkeiten von Streamingdiensten. Aber das liegt am Ende in der Hand großer Labels und ist nicht ausschließlich in der Verantwortung von Spotify & Co. Wir drücken Euch die Daumen! Und wir versuchen mit unserem Mobile-Games-Flatrate-Modell ein weiteres Modell auf den Markt bringen.

Der Link zum leider nicht freien Zeit-Artikel vom 10.12.2015: Zeit-Artikel - jedes Tönchen ein Milliönchen

Montag, 7. Dezember 2015

global mgf E-Book 2015 - the report about mobile gaming

In this little report you get a good overview about the mobilke games market, and we found an interesting quote from Steve Stopps about the biigest trend in mobile gaming in 2015 " is the beginning of Netflix style business model for games.."

We are working on that topic for a longer time now, and especially with our flatrate model for families, we finally get more and more positive feedback - especially from endusers, which have got children between 2 and 10 years.

We believe we have got a very good model especially for the game developers. With us they will expect relevant additional revenues and awareness by endusers. And we are very sure we have the best model of revenue shares in the market, because we are a small startup without a big "water-head".

Innovation durch Kooperation - eine Konferenz der Medien Akademie München


Innovation durch Kooperation – Chancen für etablierte Unternehmen und StartUps in der Medienbranche

Ein gut erdachtes Programm mit einer interessanten Mischung aus etablierten Unternehmen verschiedener Unternehmen. V.a. auch Unternehmen ganz klassischer NAtur, welche groß in der alten Welt sind, und sich auf die Digitalisierung vorbereiten, bzw. eine Strategie umsetzen und immer nach neuen Impulsen suchen.

Bekannte Investoren aus der Berliner Szene, u.a. Ulrich Schmitz von -axel Springer Ventures und Renate Dempfle von PVD Intermedia Venture,  haben sich mit Münchner Ansprechpartner gut gemischt, dies hat dann auch die Workshops interessant gestaltet - für mich als Berliner also eine gute Abwechslung bei einer kleinen Konferenz mit interessanten Ansprechpartner außerhalb der Berliner Szene in Kontakt zu treten.

Wir sind gespannt ob sich daraus etwas interessantes entwickelt.

Die Veranstaltung fand in dem Literatur Haus München statt -

Mehr Informationen über die Veranstaltung

Tailorstage at the Slush Event (

We have been to the Slush event 2015. The event was again bigger - but hopefuly now it stays at this size, as it becomes to big already.

In general
I had a lot of meetings with different business partners and investors. But I had also enough time to listen to quite a few interesting talks about the media, green tech and ICT businesses. In one of their talks speakers mentioned the importance of B2B-businesses for startups, there are a lot of possibilities. I think it is a good event to get more insights and maybe to find new ideas what to develop or for whoch conmpany you could start to work.

Our learning from last year
This year was the 2nd time attending at Slush, and this year i was ḿuch better prepared than the years before. I didnt use the matchmaking tools to arrange my meetings, I only used it to see who is going to participate. To have a few good meetings I asked my direct linkedin contacts to make an intro to thier contacts.
Our experience is, if you are not well prepared, it will be really hard to get good meetings at Slush.

Last but not least
We miss such an event in Germany. The Finnish guys make the best out of their crisis and they invest a lot into startup business with software and tech background. Chapeau! for this event from my side.

Montag, 19. Oktober 2015

PGA - Poznan Gamesarena October 2015 -

Its not the first time for us being at the Gamesarena in Poznan. To understand what is the Gamesarena, you can imagine Gamescom, but a bit smaller. And as well a bit more open to indie developer. And this is the charme of the Polish games scene. The quality of games they deliver is very high, but still it is a young industry. And also endusers like the games from indies. Therefore its a perfect place to show game concepts to the audience and receive feedback. Therefore many German indie studios have been again in Poznan. To mention just a few, I met the guys from Happy-Tuesday, Rat King Entertainment and megagon industries.

As well there is the conference area and it becomes more and more international.

For us from Tailorstage it was an interesting conference, as we believe we have closed a deal now, related to indie developers. I hope we can write more details soon.

And of course we met many people of the Berlin games scene. We realised to have a get together we go to Poland, but indeed we all travel to Poland now for more than two years and we always like the openness of the Polish people and game developers.

A special thanks to André the indieadvisor with his full support of our flatrate services. As well I would like to mention Michael Liebe, as his new gaming concept to play in cinemas sounds amazing,

Freitag, 2. Oktober 2015

Smartphone usage by children

More and more information are popping up that the strong usage of smartphones and tablets by children can seriously harm their health. Thats why we develop the product Because we believe the usage of such devices is positive, but it has to be limited and controlled. Of course not over controlled.

With our product we want to help to solve this problem. We believe children should play games and use the internet. With our KAANGOO-product we can turn Smartphones and tablets into Kids safe playgrounds.

More information about the study you can find on the website of a popular South German radio station, SWR3. I was lucky being in the area because of our raod show to media partners to present interesting gaming products.

Montag, 28. September 2015


The Startupnight event in Berlin.

Tailorstage was part of the Startupnight 2015. 160 startups has been selected to present themself in four different locations.

The startup Traxas ( supported us with their animation screens which attracted many people to visit our little booth. Tommy, Asli and Denice reprented our product, our safe flatrate service for young kids, and explained visitors how it works. Especially when people understood how we can turn a normal Android smartphone into a data safe kids playground, people were amazed about our product idea.

we have got some registrations for our product now, and soon we go live.

More information about startupnight Berlin:

Dienstag, 1. September 2015

Tailorstage at

At the end of this weekend, on Saturday the 5th of September, there is the startupnight here in Berlin. Everybody can enter this event for 5 Euro and talk to around 150 startups. We are part of this event and we are happy our product improves daily and we can present it to the audience and get direct feedback. We have prepared a questionnaire and we look forward to the live answers from the audience.

Part of the preparation was also that I have give an interview to the startup website, where it is possible to find an article about our product Tailorstage and

Final of Microsoft Accelerator

Druing the Gamescom we were invited to pitch at the Microsoft Accelerator program. So I just got back from the trip to Cologne, where we visited the two game shows Gamescom and Respawn, and I had to pitch to Marius Sewing and Kai Jäger from Microsoft. It was a five minutes pitch through Skype, and then a short Q&A.

A few days later we really got the answer to be at the final. we prepared ourself well and we presented mainly to the audience. There were VC's, other accelerators and of course some Microsoft managers who listened to our pitch. Afterwards we had to answer all their questions and we learnt we can improve some of our messages. At the end we didnt make it to the program.

But it was a great honor for us to be part of final members. We were able to learn a lot and we wish the winners the best to develop nice products inside this program.

Gamescom, Cologne 2015

We had a lot of interesting meetings and it was the first time we presented our new product Its a family friendly app, actually a "secure-kids-games-app-portal", based on a flatrate and available for Android handhelds.
The product is almost ready as a MVP, so we hope to be able to bring into the market very soon. Its a product where we want to preserve the worries of parents while their kids are using a mobile device and playing games or being in the internet.

Tailorstage at Respawn

I was invited to a panel which was moderated by Malte Behrmann. The topic of this panel was: "what comes after mobile OR the fututre of the mobile gaming ecosystem".

To make this panel as interesting as possible, Malte has invited a number of interesting guys from the gaming industry who have got a lot of experiences.

From the US Sean Kauppinen and Toshar Makhija and from Europe Erik Robertson and myself.

At this panel we raised some interesting points, for example the most accessible game console is now the smartphone. And we found out why some companies became so successful in the mobile games industry. And last but not least, we did also discuss the future of games monetisation.

It's worth listen to the panel: